Условия за ползване

The consumer, with the status of buyer, concludes a purchase agreement with Porter LD, Limited Liability Company for the production of watches and jewelry (hereafter: Porter LD d.o.o.) with the status of seller.

Legal entities as buyers are subject to the Civil Obligations Act (Zakon o obveznim odnosima) and the Electronic Commerce Act (Zakon o elektroničkoj trgovini), so the Consumer Protection Act (Zakon o zaštiti potrošača) does not apply.

These General Terms and Conditions are applicable to legal entities in the section that defines prices and payment methods, basic product features, agreement conclusion procedure, description of delivery methods and costs, general information, waiver of liability, warranty and service conditions, and the moment of agreement conclusion. The seller may, upon its own choice and in each specific case, provide the legal entity with the rights provided to the buyer who is a consumer.

A user is a person that uses the www.watchclick.com website, including any buyer or visitor of the www.watchclick.com website.

Making a purchase agreement through the www.watchclick.com website is regulated in accordance with legal provisions, particularly taking into account the principles and provisions of European Union directives. Contracting through the www.watchclick.com website is considered to be a distance contract.

The General Terms and Conditions also represent pre-contractual information, and are valid for the purposes of a purchase agreement where the buyer is a consumer, i.e. any physical person who concludes a legal business or acts in the marketplace outside of their trade, business, artisan or professional activity, and when the agreement is signed between a seller and a consumer by means of an organized system of sale or services, without a concurrent physical presence of the seller and the buyer at the same place, and where one or more means of distance communication are exclusively used up to the moment of the conclusion of the agreement.

The means of distance communication are all means that can be used for distance contracting without the concurrent physical presence of the seller and the buyer, such as the Internet and e-mail.

The agreement is concluded in the moment when the seller accepts the buyer’s bid, and all the content published at the www.watchclick.com website represents an invitation to bid. The seller can terminate the purchase agreement if the buyer does not pay the purchase price amount, and the seller is not obliged to deliver the product until the moment of the receipt of the purchase price amount.

The constituent part of the General Terms and Conditions are also the General Personal Data Protection Conditions. If the user fails to comply with the General Terms of Business and Data Protection Information, they must leave and not use the website www.watchclick.com.

The official language for the conclusion of agreement is English.



The buyer is introduced to main product features at the www.watchclick.com website.

Porter LD d.o.o. reserves the right to modify the information at the website, including the product prices and special offers, without prior notice.

Next to the product image, a description of the important product features is available, as well as the product’s price with VAT included.

Prices, payment conditions and special offers are valid only at the time of order and/or payment.



The purchase is performed on the Porter LD d.o.o. website www.watchclick.com by filling the designated form. When filling the form, the buyer is obliged to fill in all the required data.

The purchase can be made only with the buyer’s confirmation that they have read and understood the General Terms and Conditions, and that they are aware that this constitutes an order with obligation to pay.

The purchase is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Porter LD d.o.o. is not responsible for any costs incurred by the use of computer equipment and telecommunication services necessary to access the service. The buyer will be informed via e-mail about order confirmation (the receipt of the electronic message that includes the buyer’s bid) and about the package shipment.

In case that Porter LD d.o.o. is, for whatever the reason, not able to deliver some of the products ordered, the buyer will be contacted via e-mail by a Porter LD d.o.o. employee with the purpose of making arrangements about delivery of a replacement product, or optionally about product order cancellation.

The purchase of products and/or services on behalf of and for the benefit of a minor or a person deprived of their business capacity (completely or partially) can be performed only by their legal representatives.

The purchase is performed by ordering available products that are chosen by the buyer, based on the product’s photograph and basic information. The photographs are illustrative and do not always and, in all details, have to match the available products. The purchase is performed through several simple steps in the comfort of a buyer’s home, from anywhere in the world.


  1. Product search is possible by different criteria. After entering a term in "Search" box, products related to the search term will appear. The buyer can choose a product of their interest, and read available product description, in order to make an independent decision whether the product suits their needs. The buyer chooses the products from the Porter LD d.o.o. products catalogue, which is arranged by product categories.


  1. The ordering of products is conducted electronically. By clicking on "Add to Cart", the selected product is added to the shopping cart. The product is neither reserved, ordered nor purchased by adding it to the bag alone.


The buyer can continue to add products by clicking on "Continue Shopping" or finish the product selection process by clicking on "Proceed to Checkout".


Before clicking on “Proceed to Checkout”, the buyer can add additional comments.


Also, the purchase cannot continue without checking the "I agree with Terms & Conditions" checkbox, where by checking it the buyer confirms that they have read and understood the Terms and Conditions, and that they agree with them.


The buyer will then be redirected to a page where they can state their contact and shipping address.


By clicking on “Continue to shipping”, the buyer can confirm the shipping method, and then click on “Continue to payment”.


Here, the buyer can:


  • select payment method,
  • enter a code if the customer has a coupon or gift card,
  • edit the shipping or billing address.


When the buyer clicks on the "Complete order" icon and finalizes the order, the seller will send these General Terms and Conditions to their e-mail address, together with the order receipt, and the order number which confirms that the purchase order has been received and is being processed.


  1. The seller will also e-mail the buyer, to their e-mail address, the confirmation of contracted purchase agreement.


  1. If the buyer does not receive the products ordered and paid for within 10 working days (Saturdays, Sundays, and bank holidays excluded) after the date of payment, they must inform Porter LD d.o.o. about this by writing to the e-mail address info@watchclick.com.


  1. If the buyer did not receive the purchase confirmation via e-mail in 72 hours or was not able to access the service in the way described in the e-mail, they must inform the seller about this by writing to the email address info@watchclick.com or by texting via WhatsApp to +385 1 8008 075 on working days (Monday to Friday) from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Central European Time.


  1. In case that Porter LD d.o.o., for whatever the reason, is not able to deliver some of the products ordered, the buyer will be contacted via e-mail by an employee of Porter LD d.o.o., with the purpose of reaching an agreement about the delivery of a replacement product or, optionally, about the product order cancellation.


  1. In case of problems or confusion during the ordering process, the buyer can contact Porter LD d.o.o. by writing to info@watchclick.com or by texting via WhatsApp to +385 1 8008 075, on working days (Monday to Friday) 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.



The buyer is obliged to pay the product ordered by one of the following methods:

  • Credit/Debit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Amex)
  • Apple Pay



While conducting payments on our web shop you are using Stripe – an advanced system for secure acceptance of credit cards on the Internet.

Stripe ensures complete privacy of your credit card data from the moment you type them in the Stripe payment form. Data required for billing is forwarded encrypted from your web browser to the bank that issued your payment card. Our store never comes into contact with your sensitive payment card data. Similarly, Stripe operators cannot access your complete cardholder data. An isolated system core independently transmits and manages sensitive data while at the same time keeping it completely safe.

The form for entering payment data is secured by an SSL transmission cipher of the greatest reliability. Payments made by cards enrolled with the 3-D Secure program are further authenticated by the issuing bank, confirming your identity through the use of a token or a password.

All information collected by Stripe is considered a banking secret and treated accordingly. The information is used exclusively for the purposes for which they were intended. Your sensitive data is fully secure and its privacy is guaranteed by the state of the art safeguard mechanisms. We collect only the data necessary for performing the work in accordance with the demanding prescribed procedures for online payment.

Security controls and operating procedures applied within the Stripe infrastructure not only ensure current reliability of Stripe but permanently maintain and enhance the security levels of protecting your credit card information by maintaining strict access controls, regular security and in-depth system checks for preventing network vulnerabilities.